Tree of Life: Cedar Song

Guest Post By Michelle Girouard, with introduction by Martha Lucier

Yesterday my grandson Everest turned 4. I asked him what it feels like to be 4. He said “It feels like a tree…like the Grandmother Cedar Tree at your house Grandma!” What wisdom from a young child to help us remember to connect to the tree of life, to return to our childlike wonder when we forget who we are… ~ Martha

There is a tiny grandmother spirit living in the cedar tree at the Edge lakefront, nestled in a golden room with a bed. So small, and so old, as soft and as joyful as a baby.

The cedar tree gifted me with a deep and flushing and instant heart healing/clearing when I leaned into her while wearing a blindfold. I wept and wept. The next day, when the smudge smoke snapped to an end, the cedar song came out of my mouth, from deep within my chest. Lead me home. With a clear heart, I can see the path.

The cedar song is the voice of the wise grandmother tree. She sings directly to the medicine of homecoming, to the deep centre of our own truth; she sings straight to the power of protection for our healing hearts; she sings lovingly to the ancient knowledge of our soul’s purpose.

The dear tree whispers the medicine of home, groundedness, ancestry and quiet wisdom. She roots deep into Mother Earth while allowing her heart to dance in the spirit of the wind.

The great Cedar, in her song, calls us home to our own hearts like a compass to True North. She calls to us as we remember who we are and forget, again and again, as the rings spin deep within her trunk. The cedar loves us as our mother and teaches us how to mother ourselves while we walk our soul’s path through the winter seasons of our lives. As we long to feel her warmth when we are lost, so does she long to feel our pulse when we are away. When we are united with the great Cedar, when we sing her song and lift our eyes to the height of her skyward arms, the portal of our hearts are opened into great healing and wholeness. And we are truly at home.


Home Practice:

Imagine visiting the roots of the Tree of Life, where all the grandmothers make their medicines, share stories, and quietly rest in front of the fire to receive nourishment.

What would it be like to venture there and receive a gift of nourishment?


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5 thoughts on “Tree of Life: Cedar Song”

  1. Thank you Michelle for sharing the cedar song with us, and now for sharing the story behind the song. I am loving this practice of meeting all our ancestral grandmothers at the hear wood of grandmother cedar. Blessings sister.

  2. Just beautiful, the writing, the song, the remembering of how Grandmother Cedar leads us HOME to our ancestors, our hearts. Thank you!

  3. Your story has brought healing and clearing to my heart, Michelle. I have wandered away from myself of late, and your beautiful words have brought me home. Thank you from my heart to your heart. I look forward to experiencing the Home Practice.

  4. Valerie Dingman

    Thank you Michelle, dear sister. This song uplifted me greatly this morning. After a night in which insomnia won the battle I woke up somewhat despondent. This beautiful song with its potent words lifted my spirits and allowed me to feel connected once again – to you, to our circle and then to the greater one. Thank you all so much at CCSS for all that you do and are.

  5. Thanks sooo much Martha and Michelle for this Flow !
    You ignighted very deep healing and homecoming for a few of us. I love the Magic of remembering, feeling, hearing and seeing, knowing it in my Self. And that experience being fortified and magnified by and with my soul sisters that all are on the same songline.
    Such transformation from thotfear to heartlove in these so very simple practices of connection and community!
    IaM very greatfull to all of you Goddesses, that Responded to this Call.
    Thank You one and All. For your words in print, songs sung, and Conference Call coinxiding !!
    I love you one and all. From me to We. We are all the same !!
    .esko. Xoxo

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